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List of Fruits/Plants Prohibited from Importation in Nigeria.

List of Fruits/Plants Prohibited from Importation in Nigeria

List of Fruits/Plants Prohibited from Importation in Nigeria. Daily Law Tips (Tip 261)

By Onyekachi Umah,Esq. 


Some fruits/plants whether living or dead are allowed to grow in Nigeria but cannot be imported into Nigeria or can only be imported with written permission. This is to control plant diseases and pests in Nigeria. It also extends to even soil.
Hence, the importation of prohibited fruits/Plants/Soil is a criminal offence punishable with fine of not more than One Hundred Naira or imprisonment for not more than six months and cost of destruction/exportation of such prohibited fruit.

Below are fruits, plants and soil prohibited from being imported into any part of Nigeria:

1.Banana and Plantain (leaves and fruits)
2. Beans (grains from USA, Bulgaria and some other countries)
3. Cassava ( All parts expecting vegetative propagating materials and seeds)
4. Citrus (Vegetative materials except for propagation)
5. Coconut (Vegetative materials)
6. Coffee(All parts including fruits except Vegetative propagating materials and seeds)
7. Cotton
8. Cowpea
9. Date Palms All parts including fruits except Vegetative propagating materials, fruits and seeds)
10. Fresh Fruits of any specie (from Asia eas of 60* longitude, Mauritius, Central and South America)
11. Gramineae (their flower heads, foliage,hay, fodder and litter)
12. Grape Vine (Vegetative propagating materials)
13. Groundnut(Vegetative materials except for propagation)
14. Maize (their hay, fodder, straw and litter for packing except seeds and unmilled grain for consumption)
15. Oil Palm (Flowers, foliage and all timber)
16. Peas and related plants (their Vegetative material including hay, fodder and litter).
17. Pepper and Chillies (their Vegetative materials and fresh fruits)
18. Pineapple (their fruits)
19. Potatoes (All parts except seed tubers, tubers or consumption and seeds)
20. Rice (Vegetative Materials)
21. Rose and Strawberry (Vegetative materials)
22. Rubber Trees (All parts except Vegetative propagating materials and seeds)
23. Soils and Composts(for any use other than scientific and analytical purposes)
24. Sorghum (All parts except Vegetative propagating materials and seeds)
25. Soya Bean (Vegetative materials)
26. Sugar Cane( Cane for consumption, flower heads and foliage)
27. Sweet Potato (All parts except Vegetative propagating materials and seeds)
28. Tea (From any part of the world except African Continent)
29. Tobacco (Vegetative materials and seeds)
30. Tomatoes (Vegetative materials and fresh fruits)
31. Wheat, Barely, Oats and Rye( Vegetative materials)
32. Walnuts (Vegetative materials)
33. Yam (All parts except Vegetative propagating materials and seeds as well as Tubers for consumption).


Sections 1 2 and 5 of the Agriculture (Control of Importation) Act, 1964 and Paragraphs 2, 5, 7 and 9 of the Plants, etc.(Control of Importation) Regulations 1970.

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